Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cuddle Monkey

One of the cutest things Connor does, that I absolutely love, is hold on for dear life by grabbing hold of my shirt or finger while I'm holding him. He's got quite the grip and we were noticing last night that he was squeezing so tight that his little knuckles were turning white. There is something so snuggly & sweet about feeling his little grasp on my shirt or hand, as if he is saying, "Mom, I trust you to not let go or let me fall. But just in case, I'm holding on as tight as I can." I think it reminds me of a little monkey clinging to its mother - and that may explain why every time he does it, I start humming "You'll Be In My Heart" from Disney's "Tarzan"!
I know it appears as if he is looking for dinner in this photo, but he had actually just nursed and was fast asleep - slipping down the front of me slowly while gripping my shirt.


Christina said...

So cute! I went shopping today for boy clothes and just couldn't believe how little the newborn clothes were. I can't wait for my own little cuddle monkey to arrive!

Shannon said...

What a cute little cuddle monkey!

Brittany said...

I know what you mean, Dylan tugs on my clothes to the point where I start to flash everyone.

Emily Barton said...

Millie, he's so cute. I hope you're going fine. Miss ya.