Monday, November 10, 2008

Why it's a bad idea to leave a bag of flour open on the floor. Even for just 30 seconds...

'nuff said.


Brittany said...

Too Cute!

Erin said...

I LOVE it!! maybe he wanted to create a winter wonderland for the hot cocoa party??? lol

Hmachine said...

Love it!!! Everyone has to play in flour at some time in life, right???

Emily said...

I think we have all had those wonderful messes. I'm glad you took the time to take a picture. Kate was my messiest and I learned from my sister in law to take pictures...I'm so glad I did.

˙·٠♥PhAeDrA♥٠·˙ said...

Just thought I'd let you know I stopped by....
I sort of had the same thing happen in my house but it was with baby powder. Kamden got it down from the shelf when she was just two and started putting it all over my nephew Carson. His poor little face was all white and the floor was even worse. All you could see was his big brown eyes. Too cute!