Saturday, July 18, 2009

How To Induce PreTerm Labor...

1. Get on a large haywagon pulled by two gigantic Belgian horses with your sister-in-law who is also pregnant. Though not as pregnant as you.

2. Have your father-in-law drive through a bumpy hayfield with the horses at a trot.

3. Clutch your belly and hope you don't pop! (Seriously, how did the pioneer women do it???)

*In about 4 more weeks, this is my plan - except for a much longer period of time and over rougher terrain!


Christina said...

Can't wait to meet your little one, hope this pioneer method works! And seriously, how did they do it? That 10 minutes was enough for me!

Story Family said...

Oh ouch!! I'll tell you what worked for me...a pick up game of bball at full term. If your hay ride doesn't work, all that lumbering around on the court ought to do the trick!

Hmachine said...

Sounds like I need to come visit you so I can get this baby HERE!!! :)

Amy said...

If only it had really worked - your baby is just fine to come out - and so is mine. WHY do they want to stay squished up upside down inside?!? Driving me CRAZY!!! If you come up with any more good ideas, please share!

Shannon said...

Haha! You look so cute Millie!

Medical Information said...

In many underdeveloped countries, Pre-term labor or PTL accompanied by ensuing premature delivery continues to be the significant cause of perinatal deaths. bacterial vaginosis or BV has been highly doubted. It has been concluded that BV is linked with both preterm labor and preterm delivery. For more details on it, refer Preterm labor