Friday, June 26, 2009


Had a Dr. Appt. earlier this week. At my last one a month ago, I asked if they could dig out my charts from when I was pregnant with Clayton (the clinic recently put everything on computer and all the old paper charts were filed downstairs. The joys of living in a small town/rural area!) I was interested in comparing where I was at this point with him vs. this baby. Easy to do, since this boy's due on his big brother's birthday. At 31 weeks with Clayton I was measuring right at 31 weeks. This baby is measuring 32. That sortof made me giggle because as I got closer, I asked the doc if he thought Clayton was going to be average sized or on the big side. He felt around and very confidently told me he'd be in the 7 1/2 lb. range, like Caroline. He was genuinely surprised when he delivered a 9 lb. 9 oz. kid who got stuck on the way out. As a result, I've been told that if I don't go into labor on my own at least a week before I'm due with this one, that I will be induced about 39 weeks. I think that because of Clayton's size and the complications that immediately followed delivery, the doctor is hesitant to do that again. Me too! Though I really don't want to be induced again.
Clayton (in the bassinet) on the day he was born, compared to the baby across the hall born the same day-he weighed about 5 lbs.


Amy said...

ouch. I have small babies (4.3, 5.13, 6.3) - can't imagine bigger. At least you might get off early...being induced is nothing to ANOTHER week of being pregnant! This baby is measuring bigger...I kind of think my uterus is just SO stretched out...:)

Emily said...

4 lbs make a BIG difference on those tiny babies! Good luck!