Wednesday, January 11, 2012

First of the Year 4-H Activity

Caroline began participating in 4-H as a Cloverbud in 2011. Our little 4-H club out here had a 2012 kick-off activity at a friends house that is right on nearby Box Butte Resevoir. It was a beautiful day, and the kids had a blast sledding, riding on sleds pulled by 4-wheelers, ice skating and learning to play broom ball.

Love Bug and her friend A. being pulled by the 4-Wheeler driven by A's grandapa.

Sledding down the hill.

I had to get in on the fun somehow!

Bubba the dog, trying to give me kisses.

More 4-wheeling fun.

Helping drive!

Love Bug's attempt at ice skating. Our sweet, ever patient neighbor held her hand for at least 30 minutes as she figured out how to maintain her balance on the skates. She was doing pretty well by the time we had to leave!

Getting her out on the ice.

Fun, fun, fun!

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