Monday, July 19, 2010

Things I Love

I LOVE this man. And this girl. And when this man hangs out in her room to tell stories to this girl before she snuggles down for the night.

I LOVE it when this hunky man takes these beautiful babies for rides on their sweet pony past our gorgeous fields.

I LOVE this baby's big brown eyes - especially when he's up to no good and I'm trying hard to be stern even when he's so stinkin' adorable.

I LOVE this bird. He is beautiful. He perches here every day in the tree by my kitchen window and watches over my little ones at play, sings and talks to me while I'm in the garden and is generally just a fun addition to our yard.

I LOVE my life!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dana MADE My Day!!!!!

I think of Dana from MADE as something of a celebrity. At least in my little blog/crafty world, she rocks. When I shared my version of her Warhol Dress, here, I also uploaded it to her "you MADE it" Flickr group. She put it in her latest roundup post showcasing the work of her fans!!!! Go here to see my cutie on her site! (I was very surprised - I didn't love how the photo turned out. I took it at noon and the shadows were so harsh. But Dana liked it!)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


At our house, it's a big day when a baby discovers the "snack cupboard". Oh, the joys of finding the crackers or applesauce cups and helping yourself to something to tide you over until the next meal.

For some reason, this is the only one of 10 darling pictures of Connor raiding the cupboard that would transfer from the camera to the computer. I've got a great one of him dumping crackers out of the box.

Oh, and Connor walked 4 feet from the sofa to the coffee table yesterday!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Did It!!!

Sporting my 5K t-shirt. There wasn't anyone to take a picture of me at the actual race. But the shirt proves I did it! I'm not sure what's up with the weird line through the photo.

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to run a 5K. Today I completed my goal. I participated in the Chadron Colter Run this morning. Being my first time, I wasn't exactly sure what to expect and didn't realize I needed to listen for my time to be called out as I crossed the finish line. I was so focused on getting there that I didn't hear. It was a bit disheartening to finish and not see my little family there cheering me on - a mental image that I kept in my head while I was training. But with Connor being sick, Jake stayed home with the little ones so I could achieve what I set out to do at the beginning of the year. I'm so grateful for his support, even from home. I did better than I thought I would in the race, considering the last 3 nights have been rather sleepless with Connor. We're still not sure what he has, but are just waiting it out and hope the little guy is on the mend soon. His fever seems to have broken finally so maybe we're in the clear.