Sunday, December 13, 2009


So, Wednesday after his nap & diaper change, I felt impressed to put a pair of undies on Clayton. We'd tried this before, and after discussing with my cousin (mother of 4 boys) and being encouraged to wait until he was at least 3, I hadn't thought much about it. So when the thought struck this week, I tried to talk myself out of the idea. But I couldn't shake it. So I forged ahead. Clayton went potty, recieved a Lifesaver & Spiderman sticker and was hooked. For the next 2 hours or so, he told me he needed to go every 3 minutes or so and was in control enough to squeeze out of few drops so he could get a treat. He never had an accident. Thursday was the same. And Friday was also a success with the exception of a little accident due to my holding a crying baby and not making it to help him in time. He remains dry at night and I've discovered that if he cries out or moans in his sleep, it's because he needs to "go", so we get him up, no matter the hour, take care of business and then he goes right back to sleep. Today at church was AWESOME! He even told Grandma he needed to go while I was at choir practice.

I can't even describe how thrilled I am to not have to change big boy diapers anymore. And I am so thankful for the little prompting and have to say that I totally believe my mom now - she always told me the Spirit would guide me in raising kids - even in things as seemingly insignificant as knowing when they would be ready to potty train. I always sort of laughed when she'd add that part. But I'm a believer, now!


Rachelle said...


2Shaye ♪♫ said...

Congrats! It's nice when THEY decide to do it on THEIR time. And it's also convenient for you to only be diapering one bottom at a time. :GRIN:

How've you been?? I don't even know the last time I saw you. No one would believe we live in the same area and have to keep up with each other on facebook or blogs. LOL

Emilee said...

Congratulations! Potty training is HUGE! I love it when it's done, but sometimes the process can be trying. (Apparently not, however, when you're living right. Maybe I ought to look into that whole inspiration thing.)

Christina said...

Wow, what a big boy Clayton is! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Yay that potty training was so easy for you! I told you when he was ready he'd be a champ. Your new Christmas pic of the kids is beautiful. They are all getting so big!