Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All I Wanna Do...

...is sleep or sew all day. Seriously. Since we returned from our Utah trip almost 2 weeks ago, I can't seem to get into my groove. Oh, I've got my creative groove on (I think it got stuck in hyper-create while I was making bows like a crazy woman on my vacation) but the house? Yuck. The carpet needs vaccumed. And deep cleaned. The craft room is a little scary from all this sewing and the kitchen, well...

Partly I think I've got the blah's from all the overcast weather and rain around here. It has been pretty much nonstop for a week and a half. All my outdoor projects are on hold and my garden starts and all the raspberry, blackberry & blueberry bushes I ordered have been living in pots in the kitchen - mostly on the chest freezer. I feel like I can't move in there for the living greenery. And today's nice but I am still not feeling any oomph. Except in front of my beautiful sewing machine.
I've been sewing dresses out of old t-shirts. Comfy, cute, wonderful summer dresses (that I can't wait to wear when it gets warm!) I got the idea from MADE and tweaked it for an adult's dress (it was originally a child's dress and I never actually looked at the pattern, I just grabbed my elastic thread and got shirring! I promise I'll post pictures eventually. I'm just not great at the whole take-photos-of-myself gig.)

Dana from MADE inspires me (never been there? you should go!) She has so many fun projects that up until now I haven't felt like I could tackle with 3 little ones underfoot. But lately, now that Connor is on the move and can entertain himself a bit better around my feet while I'm working, I've found the freedom to sew more. Yay! I saw Dana's "Warhol Dress" last week and wanted to make it for Caroline. I found two thrifted T-shirts just hours after viewing Dana's post and KNEW they would be perfect for this particular project.

It's been hard for our little country girl to understand that while we live in the STATE of Nebraska, we don't live in any particular town (though we do have the address of a nearby town.) So I figured this shirt presented the perfect opportunity for a geography lesson. I cut it so the area where we live is right up front and placed a little red freezer-paper-stenciled heart RIGHT where our ranch/horseshoeing school is located. It just happened to be right above her own sweet little beating heart. Caroline LOVES it! I love the polka dot ruffle and tie a the top.


Unknown said...

CUTE!!!! It looks like you had nice blue skies today, I hope they hold for you. It was fun to chat with you for a minute yesterday.

Christina said...

So cute! I love the map/heart idea and I can't wait to see one of the dresses you made for yourself. You always make the cutest things, wish we lived closer so we could sew together!

Marianne & Clayton said...

I love Made and this project is fabulous! The map is perfection! (And it doesn't hurt to have such an adorable model.) I love your projects!

dana said...

great shirt for the dress! and i love the addition at the bottom! Thanks for adding it to the flickr group.
- Dana