Wow. Only 2 1/2 months slow. This beautiful girl turned 7 at the end of September.
She was so excited about her fairy cake. This year was a simple family party for her. She got around that by inviting her violin teacher and primary teacher over for dinner. After church the Sunday before her birthday, her violin teacher stopped me to make sure that it was okay that she had been invited by Caroline for dinner. I smiled and said yes, and then asked Caroline if there was anyone else I should know about that she'd invited, which is when I was informed that Sister Walgren was also coming. We had a big fun celebration! I'm so grateful for the people that influence her daily and that Heavenly Father has put in her life, especially those sweet women and the family members who shared her special day.
Caroline is growing into such a lovely young lady and it is so exciting to watch her personality and talents develop. She has been playing piano for about 2 years now and came to me earlier this year wanting to play another instrument. She gave me three choices - harp, flute and violin. We chose violin, and she is doing very well! She is also taking dance lessons, which she adores - especially Jazz! She loves learning and most of the time can be found with her cute little nose in a book, finding answers to her questions or just reading for pleasure. She is currently on a 4th grade reading level! She is a wonderful big sister and is always willing to help with her little brothers. It's fun to watch her maternal instincts come out with Cooper. She loves all things girly, but isn't afraid to get dirty. She loves learning about and exploring the natural world, working with and riding her pony, Bart, and has recently taken up archery as an interest! She reminds me so much of myself when I was younger, so it is fun to share a lot of those same interests!