Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Helping at Papa's Ranch

On Christmas Eve, Aunties Marilyn and Cindy took Caroline & Clayton with them and Papa to "help" feed the cows and horses. The kids loved being in the mangers, helping to toss hay to the animals and trying to get as close as they could to them. On the rock face behind one of the mangers, they discovered some numbers carved into the sandstone. They figure some sheepherder was wintered here on Christmas eve 72 years ago and marked the night's passing with 12-24-37. Clayton tuckered out near lunchtime, and despite Cindy's best efforts to keep him awake, he was zonked by the time they reached the "cave" to eat the sandwiches they'd packed. Caroline remembered earlier visits and begged Papa to make a fire in the firepit to warm herself up. He also found some marshmallows which they roasted, resulting in a completely happy Caroline. Too bad Clayton slept through all the fun - I don't think he even woke up until they were almost home!
Future Cattleman - Clayton likes the horses, but always tries to get in on the bovine action when he's helping Papa. Maybe because they're such a novelty right now. Someday when we have our own, he can get his fill daily!
A shepherd's Christmas Eve celebration.
This is how we entertain ourselves in the cab of the truck while Papa feeds the cows - playing with Papa's goggles and sunglasses. Such cuties!
We love Sammy - Aunt Catherine's doggy!
Christmas Eve in the cave - roasting marshmallows with Aunt Mar. Yum!

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