What a crazy, fun week! We had family in and out and had a blast! The joy started when my parents and youngest sister, Catherine, arrived last Saturday night with a load of all the stuff I had left at my parents house that they didn't want in their garage anymore. They stayed and we played on Sunday and Monday (Catherine & I stayed up WAY too late one night playing "The Farming Game" - you should try it sometime if you haven't. Totally fun!) They continued on their merry way on Tuesday morning to dump the rest of the load in Minneapolis at my sister Lucinda's house, where they also spent Thanksgiving. On Wednesday evening, another two of my sisters, Nan & Marilyn, arrived with Mar's friend Brent in tow. Thanksgiving Day was so much fun, with all of us pitching in to prepare the meal and with Brent doing an awesome job entertaining Caroline & Clayton. At one point, Brent went to the bunkhouse to check on part of the meal for me and Clayton followed him right out the door and went with him on his errand. It was pretty cute. Brave little boy. Marilyn made 4 amazing pies and after dinner, we just enjoyed visiting and being together and watching the cute kiddos entertain us. Friday morning began at 4:00 a.m. for Me, Nanny, Mar & Brent as we headed to WalMart for the Black Friday blitz. I divided up my list and gave each person an assignment. We arrived at the store at 5:10 and were completely done with everything by 5:30 - and we got EVERYTHING on the list! It was great! Later that day we got to ride horses and just hang some more. With everyone's help, we got our new Christmas tree (score from WalMart!) up along with the rest of the Christmas decorations. That night my parents arrived back at my house on their return trip and after a major laugh fest from watching this
YouTube video of "Water Ballet", and hearing Mom & Catherine's version of the "Tomato Seed Story", we all turned in. The fam got off by 10:30ish but we got to see a little more of Catherine when she hitched a ride back with Nan, Mar & Brent because she left her shoes here. (She also had to go pj-less in MN because she left those here on Tuesday!) Everyone made it home safe, and though it was a short visit, it is one that we'll remember for the laughter & togetherness.
My mom figured out that when Clayton rode his horse around the house and shouted, he was yelling "Ride! Ride! Ride!" He was tickled pink when she said that to him after he would holler and we could tell that he knew we knew what he was saying.
Caroline helping vacuum the floor in preparation for her Aunties visit, using the new sweeper vac that Mona brought just for her!
Preparing apples for Marilyn's wonderful apple pie. (Nanny had to pull her hair back, so Caroline lent her a hair bow.)
Mar hard at work pie-making.
The feast and the chefs. (Why did nobody tell me my shirt needed to be pulled down in back?)
Grandpa is SO EXCITED for pie!
Clayton is, too. He couldn't keep his fingers out and upon closer examination, it looked like he had fingerpainted a turkey in the whipped cream.
Caroline and her pumpkin "moose" pie.
Marilyn & Brent teaching Caroline how to play pool. Her favorite part of the visit. She even asked this morning if she could go over & play pool.